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Showing posts from September, 2017

Zero Bounce – Best Email Validation System

An Email Validation System basically revolves around Email Security; with the increase in E-Marketing culture a rise fraud spams and Toxic Domains are experienced. These may directly affect the reputation of yours as a sender, one cannot afford to fall prey of these spam traps. Therefore, Email Validation System appears to rescue the firm repute from these ill E-marketing practices. About Zero Bounce Email Validation System The Zero Bounce claims itself to be the Best Email Validation System also the Fastest Email Validation Platform, and can in an hour verify millions of Emails. Following Services are offered by Zero Bounce: Detection of Spam Traps:  This Email Validation System can easily detect several Email Spam Traps, this process is taken place by verifying the email accounts from the list of blacklisted accounts that are researched and kept in the track-record by renowned industry wide blacklist campaign. Validation of Email:  Whether an Email contains good/bad ...

AAA Logo – A Logo Design Software

Creating a Logo can be a hectic task, mostly people prefer professional help to create a brand logo, but what if there is an application available that easies the process of logo-making? There are several Logo Designing Softwares available online, and today we’ll be reviewing AAA LOGO. AAA LOGO is a Logo Design Software that has been in the logo designing market since 2004 and has established more than thousands of customers in this decade. This software claims that you won’t require reading a lengthy user-manual before creating a logo via this software. Product Output can be created for any industry This software claims that one can create logos for several industries including Technology, Healthcare, Finances, General Business and Retail, Travel and Tourism, Education and Training, Organizations, Food and Beverage, Sports and Fitness. Easy to Create Logos in Few Clicks On the website it is also stated that you can choose from various pre-available layouts and templates to styl...

C++ STL Stack Container Adaptor – std::stack

In this tutorial you will learn about STL stack container adaptor in C++ i.e. std::stack and all functions which it provides. std::stack is a container adaptor. We know that container adaptors are not containers. They provide specific interfaces. Elements manipulated in container adaptors by encapsulated functions of specific classes. Stack operates in Last in First out (LIFO) type of arrangement. Always elements will be inserted and also deleted at same side of the stack. Working with direct operations on stack/queue and other container adaptors, will so much useful in competitive programming. It saves time and also encapsulated functions of object implemented in best complexity way. When program size too large, instead of writing entire code if we use direct functions from library that gives unambiguity while working. C++ STL Stack Container Adaptor – std::stack To work with stl container, we first need to include stack header file. #include<stack> The functions associat...

Spend less time CD'ing around directories with the PowerShell Z shortcut

Everyone has a trick for moving around their computer faster. It might be a favorite shell, a series of aliases or shortcuts. I like using popd and pushd to quickly go deep into a directory structure and return exactly where I was. Another fantastic utility is simply called "Z." There is a shell script for Z at that's for *nix, and there's a PowerShell Z command (a fork of the original) at . As you move around your machine at the command line, Z is adding the directories you usually visit to a file, then using that file to give you instant autocomplete so you can get back there FAST. If you have Windows 10, you can install Z in seconds like this: C:\> Install-Module z -AllowClobber Then just add " Import-Module z " to the end of your Profile, usually at $env:USERPROFILE\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1 Even better, Z works with pushd, cd, or just "z c:\users\...

A Functional Web with ASP.NET Core and F#'s Giraffe

I was watching Ody Mbegbu's YouTube Channel - it's filled with .NET Core and ASP.NET Tutorial Videos - and was checking out one in particular, " Getting Started with ASP.NET Core Giraffe ." Dane Vinson pointed me to it . There is such a great open source renaissance happening right now with new framework's and libraries popping up in the .NET Core space. I hope you check them out AND support the creators by getting involved, writing docs, filing (kind) issues, and even doing pull requests and fixing bugs or writing tests. Ody's video was about Dustin Morris' "Giraffe" web framework . Dustin's description is "A native functional ASP.NET Core web framework for F# developers." You can check it out over at . Even better, it uses the "dotnet new" templating system so you can check it out and get started in seconds. c:> md \mygiraffeeapp & cd \mygiraffeeapp c:\mygiraffeeapp...

Convert Decimal Number to Roman Numeral in C and C++

Here you will get program to convert decimal number to roman numeral in C and C++. How it Works? Divide the given number in the order 1000, 900, 500, 400, 100, 90, 50, 40, 10, 9, 5, 4, 1 to find largest base value. Display the corresponding roman symbol of largest base value obtained by above method in output. Subtract the given number with largest base value to get new number. Repeat above process with the new number until it becomes 0. Example: Decimal Number: 250 Divide it in order 1000, 900, 500, 400, 100, 90, 50, 40, 10, 9, 5, 4, 1 to find largest base value. Here 250 is divided by 100. The corresponding roman symbol for 100 is C. Subtract 250 with 100 (largest base value in previous step) to get new number i.e. 150. Again divide 150 in the order mentioned earlier. It is divided by 100, so corresponding roman symbol is C. Subtract 150 with 100 to get new number i.e. 50. Divide 50 again in the order mentioned earlier. 50 is divided by 50, so corresponding roman ...

How to Get Started with Virtual Reality (VR) Development?

Here, you’ll get to know about Virtual Reality and how you should step by step start developing a VR Application and keep your first foot in the VR Development aura. What is Virtual Reality? The term virtual reality is a combination of Virtual: ‘Near’, Reality: ‘That we experience daily’. This states that Virtual Reality takes you near reality, i.e. close to the reality via various means. For instance, the game launched recently named ‘Pokemon Go’, it took a gamer close to the reality by demanding the player to search for various pokemons in real, but the existence of the Pokemons were virtual (on the screens of the phones). Another example is the VR Set that enlarges the experience of gaming, music, movies or other entertainment options by providing a three-dimensional experience. According to Yariv Levski the CEO of AppReal-VR- a virtual reality development agency , the VR gaming will increase its business everywhere, the survey’s result depict that from AR & VR gaming, Vir...

Experiments in Open Source: Exploring vcr-sharp for Http record and playback

I've always said that reading source code is as important as write it - especially as part of the learning process. You learn a ton about how other coders think and solve problems, plus you learn about lots of new libraries and methods you may not be familiar with. Last week I noticed this tweet from Brendan Forster about an experiment he's working on. He is interesting in your feedback on his experiment and if you would use it. He's created a new library for .NET called vcr-sharp that is inspired by the vcr Ruby gem and the scotch .NET library . Again, he's made it clear he's just experimenting but I think this has some interesting potential. Vcr-sharp lets you record and playback HTTP requests! In this example, WithCassette is an extension method on HttpClientFactory. That extension method sets up a DelgatingHandler to a ReplayingHandler . That ReplayingHandler "loads the cassette" and returns it as a cached response. using (var httpClient = H...

Fresco Android Tutorial

In this tutorial you will learn how to use fresco android image library. Fresco is an image library created by Facebook developers that can be used to display image from internet or local storage. Many popular android apps like facebook, twitter, wikipedia, 9gag, etc uses this library. If you want to create an app that loads lot of image from internet then this library is the best choice. It is great alternative of other android image libraries Picasso and Glide . It manages memory so efficiently that app works faster and causes less crashes. Using this you can display jpg, png, gif and WebPs. Below I have shown usage of this library using one simple example. Fresco Android Tutorial Create an android studio project with package name  com.frescoandroid. Add following dependency in app level build.gradle file under dependencies section then sync the project. compile 'com.facebook.fresco:fresco:1.5.0' Note:  If you want to display gif or WebPs then you need to incl...

Rail Fence Cipher Program in C and C++[Encryption & Decryption]

Here you will get rail fence cipher program in C and C++ for encryption and decryption. It is a kind of transposition cipher which is also known as zigzag cipher. Below is an example. Here Key = 3. For encryption we write the message diagonally in zigzag form in a matrix having total rows = key and total columns = message length. Then read the matrix row wise horizontally to get encrypted message. Rail Fence Cipher Program in C #include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> void encryptMsg(char msg[], int key){ int msgLen = strlen(msg), i, j, k = -1, row = 0, col = 0; char railMatrix[key][msgLen]; for(i = 0; i < key; ++i) for(j = 0; j < msgLen; ++j) railMatrix[i][j] = '\n'; for(i = 0; i < msgLen; ++i){ railMatrix[row][col++] = msg[i]; if(row == 0 || row == key-1) k= k * (-1); row = row + k; } printf("\nEncrypted Message: "); for(i = 0; i < key; ++i) f...

Cloud Database? NoSQL? Nah, just use CSVs and CsvHelper

KISS - Keep it Simple, Stupid. While I don't like calling people stupid, I do like to Keep it Super Simple! I was talking to Jeff Fritz on my team about a new system we're architecting. I suggested CosmosDB or perhaps Azure Table Storage. Then we considered the amount of data we were storing (less than 100 megs) and Jeff said... let's just use CSV files and CsvHelper . First I was shocked. SHOCKED I SAY. via GIPHY Then I was offended via GIPHY But finally I was hey...that's a good idea. via GIPHY A fine idea in fact. Why use more moving parts than needed? Sure we could use XML or JSON, but for our project we decided rather than even bother with an admin site that we'd use Excel for administration! It edits CSV files nicely thank you very much. Can you parse CSV files yourself? Sure, but it'll start getting complex as you move between data types, think about quotes, deal with headers, whitespace, encoding, dates, etc. CSV files can be MUCH more com...

PL/SQL Online Compiler – Run Oracle PL/SQL Programs Online

In this tutorial you will learn about pl/sql online compiler that will let you run pl/sql programs online. Few days back I was writing plsql programs to share on this blog. There was no compiler installed on my system to test these programs. So I thought to run them quickly using online compiler. I found only one plsql online compiler that was on Oracle official website. You can’t run the programs directly on it. You have to create account and configure workspace (its one time process only) before using the compiler. As the process was not so easy so I thought to share so that it will be easier for you. How to Run Oracle PL/SQL Programs Online? 1. Go to .  Click on Get Started button. 2. Click on Free Workspace option. 3. Choose Application Development option and click Next. 4. Give first name, last name, email and any workspace name. After that click Next button. 5. Give some schema name and choose space allocation. After that click Next. ...