Per Wikipedia, "In mathematics , a binary relation ... is transitive if ... element a is related to an element b and b is related to an element c then a is also related to c. " Per Me, if I am cool with you, and you are cool with your friend, then I'm cool with your friend. I've decided this is The Transitive Property of Friendship . As I try to mentor more and more people and help folks Level Up in tech, I'm realizing how important it is to # BeTheLuck for someone else. This is something that YOU can do - volunteer at local schools, forward that resume for your neighbor, give a Warm Intro to a friend of a friend. A lot of one's success can be traced back to hard work and being prepared for opportunities to present themselves, but also to Warm Intros. Often you'll hear about someone who worked hard in school, studied, did well, but then got a job because "their parent knew a person who worked at x." That's something that is hard to re...