Here you will get pl/sql program for armstrong number. A number is said to be an armstrong number if sum of its digits raised to the power n is equal to number itself, where n is total digits in number. For example 407 is armstrong number as 4 3 + 0 3 + 7 3 = 64 + 0 + 343 = 407. PL/SQL Program for Armstrong Number declare n number:=407; s number:=0; r number; len number; m number; begin m:=n; len:=length(to_char(n)); while n>0 loop r:=mod(n,10); s:=s+power(r,len); n:=trunc(n/10); end loop; if m=s then dbms_output.put_line('armstrong number'); else dbms_output.put_line('not armstrong number'); end if; end; / Output armstrong number The post PL/SQL Program for Armstrong Number appeared first on The Crazy Programmer . from The Crazy Programmer
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